Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Garden pictures

Well here are the pictures from my garden. Now, I have learned a lot from my garden this year, like to prepare the soil better, and to plant certain plants farther apart. Also I learned to plant much earlier so that the weather is not so hot! As you will see, some plants are doing fabulously, and some are not doing anything at all!!!!

It was strange because the previous years when we had a garden and we lived in another house, our garden was just so successful. We also lived on property where horses had lived for years, so I think that it was very fertile soil. (all the manure ya know?) I am not used to a garden that doesn't produce, so this was a weird experience, but I know what to do next year....I think.

this is my saddest loss of the season. $12.50 down the drain, and my little raspberry bush is really dead, dead, dead. I am so sad!

This is my raspberry bush that is doing well. We will have some really nice raspberries next year. I will also plant more of them, and some blueberries.

These look like weeds, I know. They are actually three very sad looking tomato plants that have just sat there and done nothing. No blossoms, a little bit of new growth, but that is it. They are still alive...but I can't figure out why they won't do anything?

This is our one good tomato plant.

This is our one good pepper plant....we do have maybe two more that are doing okay, but this one was the best.

The corn is doing magnificently.

Cucumbers....we have had two so far, they are doing pretty good.

This is our pumpkin plant, that is too close to the squash. It looks like there are about four pumpkins that we will get out of this.

This is our huge squash area that is prolific in their vegetable bearing. Lots of summer squash for us! There is a small watermelon plant in front of it, I have two that I think will give us some melons. Next to the water melon is the cantaloupe, hopefully we will get a few of those soon as well.

This is our cherry tomato plant that is in a container. It is beautiful and big, and if you look closely you can see some little tomatoes!
Next year I want to add zucchini, strawberry batch, and somewhere I want to plant a cherry, pear, apricot and peach tree!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that corn looks delicious! I envy your raspberry plant. Please post a picture of your pumpkins in the fall when they are ready. Great work, Dawnae!

Janae said...

Lookin good. Sorry for the ones that didn't quite make it...the corn does look amazing:)

Lavender said...

LOL I think pumpkins dream of world domination ;) The soil there looks sandy, if it is, then it will get dry very quick and need lots of organic matter added to boost your water retention and improve the fertility - but youve already figured that out! LOL Anyhow, your doing great with the corn too - good on ya!

LaRae said...

Aren't gardens amazing? I used to love that little segment on either Sesame Street or Mr. Rogers where a little girl goes to a garden & picks vegetables then brings them back & washes them & eats them. Do you remember that? I remember being so intrigued by the prospect of picking fresh vegetables out of a garden. Probably because we never lived where you could grow much - except "tumbleweeds & strong children" as grandma juday says!

Micalanne said...

Dawnae how exciting! I did not plant my pumpkins and am really sorry I didn't. Next year I will have to be very firm about not going on vacation before planting!

Good Luck and Congratulations!

Unknown said...

You've done better than us...we didn't plant anything! At least it was a learning experience, right?

dawnae said...

LaRae I vaguely remember something like that, but I don't think that I had that same reaction, until later in life. I think that is why I am so fascinated by water because there just isn't any in Vegas. Here I can walk to the park and see a stream!

Anonymous said...

Your garden is looking really good!

You'll have some nice looking pumpkins this year.

I remember growing up my Mom's raspberry bush. They do multiply and that one you have is looking really good. The girls will have fun picking them.